Spread the Word:
We have gone through a lot of work to produce a website that is simple to navigate. Our goal was to make it easy for you to locate contractors. You can help us by informing others about ContractorNB website.
Many find ContractorNB.com website by various key words, which is good but we want people to know it is much simpler to search via two words Contractor and NB. One can search Contractor NB by using Google or Yahoo as their search engine.
Many have indicated to us how much they enjoy ContractorNB website and how easy it is to search for contractors. We thank you for your kind comments.
If you enjoy using the site could you let contractors know how you found them and how much you enjoy ContractorNB website. Much appreciated.
We are in the process of changing our format. We are in the process of looking for a team member who could contact contractors and get them to sponsor their listing and at the same time verify that some contractors still exist as many are gone and others are close to retiring while others are downsizing.
We are in the process of removing contractors who have not sponsored a listing yet. Our goal will still be to provide a website to locate contractors but with a smaller list. This will eliminate those who are no longer in operation, retiring or have not sponsored their listing or are not interested.
Our first intention was to have all contractors but we have been advised there is no need to sponsor their listing if they are already on our website.
Posters are being placed at various locations as indicated above.
Thank you for visiting ContractorNB website.
Have a great week
This is the place to sign up and choose type of listing you want for your company.